Appendix II – Discovering Your Unique Destiny
The first step in discovering your destiny is to determine your life values. To determine your life values ask yourself a question such as “What is most important to me in this area of life?” where the area of life can be personal identity, job, career, family, personal relationships etc. Other questions might be “What am I most curious about in this aspect of life?” or “What am I most attracted to in this aspect of life?” or “What causes me to be most oblivious to the passage of time in this aspect of life?” or “What else is important to me about this aspect of life?” A good way to organize your thinking is to mind map the area of interest until the flow of ideas dries up and then make a list from the mind map. See “The Mind Map Book” by Tony Buzan.
Next for each value in the list ask the question “How does that life value make me feel?” and the question “What else do I feel?” Repeat these questions until you have generated all the emotional values connected to each life value in each list. Once again using a mind map is useful to facilitate this process.
For each list prioritize the list by comparing the values. To compare values ask the question “Which feeling is more important?” or by asking the question “If I could only have one of these two values which one would I choose?” Each such prioritized value list is an arrow or vector pointing at your destiny. Develop at least three lists then ask yourself the question “What do these lists have in common?” The answer to this question is the first approximation to your destiny.
By writing down your life values and reviewing them often you will bring your destiny into sharper and sharper focus until you finally absolutely know that you know that you are consciously aware of your precise destiny. This feeling of “absolutely knowing” signifies that your SM (subconscious mind) has searched all its resources including your genetic encoding and instincts and has made your CM (conscious mind) aware of everything pertinent. Your CM and SM are in resonance at this point.
Next you could ask yourself the question “What is my destiny in this area of life?” or the question “What are my favourite dream goals in this area of life?” or the question “What is the best person I could possibly be in this area of life?” or the question “What is the greatest possible impact I could have in this area of life?” See also the book “Goals” by Brian Tracy.
Then it is recommended that you brainstorm all of your beliefs. A belief is a generalization about some ideas concerning the general environment. This generalization is no longer questioned by the CM or SM and has been conditioned into the SM as a resource for evaluating incoming environmental information. It is a good idea to determine your current beliefs about money, fear, sports, love, house, home, family, yourself, time, scarcity, abundance, risk, opportunity, people, life, job, religion, etc.
Since your destiny has been genetically encoded you cannot change it. Your destiny is accessible to your SM and thus to your CM and as such your destiny must be consciously identified, chosen and conditioned into your SM before your destiny can have much effect on your behaviour.
However your beliefs have almost certainly been at least partially formed by osmosis. Now is always a good time to examine your beliefs for their functionality in helping you to achieve your destiny and to see if you still approve of these beliefs. By going through this exercise you will end up with beliefs which you consciously agree with and which do not contradict your efforts to achieve your destiny. See the books “Unlimited Power” and “Awaken the Giant Within” by Tony Robbins for more information on this subject.
The above procedure is conceptually simple but quite involved in the execution. By going through this exercise you will have prepared your internal mental environment for maximum success with no obstructing beliefs remaining operational. Thus you can achieve your success, enjoy your success and keep your success.
This process can be considered to be a method for communicating with your DNA.