Appendix III – Work Around for the Mark of the Beast

Appendix III – Work Around for the Mark of the Beast

To Whom It May Concern,

For any Christian house church there is something more valuable than money – a method to generate all the money that you need. I have spent well over 30,000 hours acquiring my financial skills and so here is the essence of the method.


The apostolic church had all things common:

ACT 2:44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common; 45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.

ACT 4:32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.

The apostolic church lived off of their capital:

ACT 2:45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.

The apostolic church became impoverished and had to live off of the meager hand-outs of Satan or from charity from other church members:

ROM 15:26 For it has pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem.

The politicians showed up immediately:

ACT 6:1 And in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration.

Whenever there is a free lunch to be had the politicians show up immediately. Politics is Satan’s modus operandi. Politics is the art of the free lunch. Politics is the art of the win-lose transaction. Politics is the art of the double-cross. Deception is built into the DNA of politics. Politics is the nature of the beast. Politics is a large part of the Image of the Beast.

Even though the politics of the apostolic church was not as highly developed as politics is today in Washington politics is nevertheless a dead give-away that Satan is at work.

The church’s impulse to share resources was noble but it was done without knowledge. The would-be politicians in any organization need to be kept so busy that they can’t create any problems, at least until they understand how toxic politics is and they understand the right way:

EPH 4:28 Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needs.

If you as a house church don’t identify and remove the would-be politicians in your organization from decision making and positions of influence then you, and you alone, will wear the egg when the project collapses.

The Method

DEU 8:18 But you shall remember Yehovah your Elohiym: for it is He that Gives you Power to Get Wealth, that He May Establish His Covenant which He Swore unto your fathers, as it is this day.

  1. You need a plan to bootstrap your project with little or no financial resources. You don’t throw money at problems. Instead you throw ideas at problems.
  2. Wealth is intellectual value added. Intellectual value added can be infinite so there is no limit to how much wealth can be created. (See the books “Unlimited Wealth” and “God Wants You to Be Rich” by Paul Zane Pilzer).
  3. You have a house church which should be a sufficient resource for generating ideas. Your group believes in righteousness so you should be able to operate the resulting business at the speed of trust – this is a tremendous asset. (See the book ”The Speed of Trust” by Stephen Covey JR). No company governed with internal politics can compete with any company which operates at the speed of trust.
  4. You get those in your group together who are willing to participate and you brainstorm all the ideas for wealth generation that you can collectively devise. Generate hundreds of ideas and write them all down. Archive the ideas because you will likely use them all sooner or later.
  5. The best idea is an idea that can be bootstrapped with zero or almost zero initial capital and can be self-financing from then on. If you start with an idea that requires a lot of your member’s capital to be put at risk then you are stupid – very stupid. You risk your ideas and perhaps your labour, not your capital.
  6. You keep brainstorming until you get the right ideas. Then you keep brainstorming until you get the optimum starting ideas. You categorize all the ideas as assets for the future. Never skimp on the brainstorming (the wealth creation) and keep coming back to it from time to time thereafter.
  7. The ideal products or services are scalable and can be used by house churches or larger organizations (distributed production and sales) and should provide gainful employment for their members. This feature will greatly help you to grow your organization.
  8. If you have your own methods of wealth creation then you can observe any Sabbath days that you choose (Isaiah 66:23) and you will not be affected as much by discrimination in employment (the mark of the beast). (I personally no longer believe that Saturday is the true Sabbath or that the conjunction moon is the true New Moon. However let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind).
  9. The corporation could be a not-for-profit organization. Paying taxes will not speed the growth of your ministry.
  10. Using Bitcoin is perhaps a good way to avoid dependence on the Shadow Government’s financial system.
  11. When you have a good starting idea then you start building a cash flow spread sheet. You are seeking a net 67% return on total invested capital. You analyze every possible means of reducing costs and increasing revenues until you get to at least 67% ROI (return on investment).
  12. The net cash flow of small private businesses are usually capitalized at a 40% rate so the capitalized value of a 67% ROI is 67% / 40% = 1.67 x invested capital.
  13. Banks will usually lend you 60% of the capitalized value of your net cash flow so 60% x 1.67 = 1 x invested capital. Therefore once you achieve at least a 67% ROI your bank financing capacity becomes unlimited. For example if your starting capital is $10,000 and your net return is $6,700 then your capitalized value is $16,700 and your bank financing available is $10,000. Brainstorm the possibilities of this method until you have thoroughly internalized the concepts.
  14. Knowing this information why would you pay an angel capitalist 400% per annum for early stage financing or a venture capitalist 100% per annum for startup financing just because they know how to use a $15 financial calculator and you don’t?
  15. If you are able to pre-sell your product or service then your initial capital costs are greatly reduced.

As you can see, this method employs the impulse of the church to work together but this method does so on a much more sustainable basis than the method employed by the apostolic church whose errors were recorded for our sakes.

1CO 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

How to Create a Self-Financing Small Business

Most Christian Churches allow their members to pursue their livelihoods for six days a week and then fellowship together on their Sabbath Day. So what can be done on the six work days?

Start a Business!

You will never be financially independent working for the man.

To be successful in business the business must have competence in Sales, Marketing, Financial Intelligence, Creative Thinking, Goal Achievement and Product Knowledge. If you don’t have competence in these skills then spend your time brainstorming these skills until you do have competence – it will save a lot of heartache and travail. In the situation where you are developing these skills in your people you could also provide these specific skill development efforts as classes to the general public as a revenue generator. People who develop all of these skills are qualified to be entrepreneurs.

Suppose a small church has 100 members. Then there may just be a person who has an aptitude for Sales (which can be learned), another who has an aptitude for Marketing (which can be learned), another with accounting or book-keeping skills (which can be learned), all can have Creative Thinking Skills (which can be learned), all can have Goal Achievement skills (which can be learned) and all can contribute to Product Knowledge (which can be brain stormed).


Sales refers to closing sales. This is a learned skill and there are many books available to help those with an aptitude for sales to become highly skilled.


Marketing refers to identifying potential customers, connecting with them and building a long term relationship with them. Again there are many useful books to help those with an aptitude for marketing to become highly skilled.

Financial Intelligence:

Financial intelligence refers to the ability to create a high performance business plan. If you have an accountant or book keeper in your membership then they can create a cash flow spreadsheet. Next every member can contribute ideas for the spreadsheet with the goal of getting a return on total capital of at least 67% which is the minimum level of return for self-financing indefinitely into the future. In this spreadsheet building process you are seeking to reduce costs, increase value for your customers, increase sales and increase net return. You can exceed 67% return but failing to achieve 67% return is a trap and the more you fall short of achieving 67% return the closer you will be to business failure.

Creative Thinking:

Creative thinking requires that each individual who wishes to engage in creative thinking thoroughly internalize the subject in which creative thinking is desired to occur. Internalizing a subject matter requires that you go beyond memorization, beyond understanding and achieve such a thorough familiarity with the subject that the subject becomes second nature. When a subject matter becomes second nature your subconscious mind will automatically generate (when asked to do so) all combinations and permutations of the subject matter which has been so internalized. When your subconscious mind completes this process your subconscious mind will then present the finished product to your conscious mind. You must write down the ideas before you forget them. Anyone can learn to do creative thinking. Group brainstorming also helps to internalize information.

Goal Achievement:

Internalize your goals. The best book on goal achievement that I have found is “Goals” by Brian Tracy.

Product Knowledge:

All the members in your group can brain storm possible products. Make a list and keep it for future reference. Look for a product which is within your means and available skills, is scalable from small business to large business and can be easily replicated in other small churches. That would be an ideal product for startup.