Appendix IV – Self-Motivation and Releasing Your Creative Genius
Motivation is a function of your goals and the confidence you have in your ability to achieve your goals (i.e. your self-efficacy which is also called your personal power).
Intensification of Motivation
The more compelling your goals and the more confidence you have in your ability to achieve your goals the greater your motivation. If you have very compelling goals but you don’t have a clue how to achieve those goals then your motivation will not be high. If you have compelling goals and you strongly believe that you know precisely how to achieve those goals in the most efficient manner then your motivation will be extreme.
Self-motivation, therefore, is your ability to devise compelling goals and your confidence in your ability to achieve those goals through your own efforts. Goal achievement requires developing achievable plans along with the ability to acquire any skills necessary to carry out those plans. Therefore self-motivation is a function of your ability to acquire the skills necessary to execute your plans.